spock mock method with any arguments

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Spock now offers specialized mock objects for specing Groovy code: A Groovy mock automatically implements groovy.lang.GroovyObject. It can emulate all but the spread wildcard constraint, however it is suggested to use the simpler constraints where possible. The failure exception that is thrown when a timeout occurs now contains the stacktrace of test execution, allowing you In 2021 (7 yrs later) it is possible to do the following with groovy (2.5): .. which feels more handy to me and saves a line or two. mention how it can be configured. Spock provides a way to do this by using a closure with the same number and type of arguments as the mock method. The underscore character is a special character in Spock, and it means any. and use a closure to capture the argument that was used, and verify that the argument had a non-null. With Spock, you are free to use proper English explanations for your unit tests. When applied to a feature method, the timeout is per execution of one iteration, excluding time spent in fixture methods: Applying Timeout to a spec class has the same effect as applying it to each feature that is not already annotated If you know how Mockito works, the equivalent line would be: when(entityManager.find(Customer.class,1L)).thenReturn(sampleCustomer); Weve now both created a Stub object with Spock, and also instructed it with a dummy return result. 18 hand-crafted pull requests were merged or cherry-picked: allow one column data-table to be passed as parameter, Change Snapshot Repository to use https:// URL, Minor documentation corrections: spelling, code examples. To understand why it happens let's get back to the passed arguments. Cells in a data table can refer to the current value for a column to the left. given: block. methods in the interface, so that only the needed ones need to be overridden. The descriptor is automatically interceptor. Mockito Argument Matchers - any () Sometimes we want to mock the behavior for any argument of the given type, in that case, we can use Mockito argument matchers. The verifyAll method can be used like with. Howard M. Lewis Ship, Ken Sipe, Venkat Subramaniam, Russel Winder. The method does not come with any required parameters, although some variations of Mock () are available. In this case, the timeout applies to all feature methods and fun, but also reliable, mature, and here to stay. We also need to verify that an event has been created (along with the contents of the event). Last but not least, we are Maven builds that require no further setup. This could mean an empty String, an empty collection, (In Groovy terminology, the closure delegates to an instance of IMockInvocation.). This means that the rules before-actions are done before the Spock can test both Java and Groovy, but in the case of Groovy, it has some additional capabilities that we will not cover here. They both use the -> to mark a closure, so Java and Groovy code are mostly very close to each other. or the end of the method. In summary, we use mocks to isolate the class under test and examine it in a completely controlled environment. (This is just another Tools and technologies used in this example are Java 1.8, Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 1. type. Project Managers), as they can understand what a unit test does with zero Java/Groovy knowledge. In this case, all data-driven feature methods in the class Like a mock, a stub allows unexpected invocations. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. The most lenient type of argument matching in a mock method call is the underscore, which will match anything that is passed into it: A slightly more strict form of argument matching is to match on the classes of the mock method arguments: The strictest form of matching that produces the most thorough tests is to match the exact method arguments: A substitute for exact argument matching that can come in handy when you dont have access to the exact object in the test, but can match on properties of the object is the closure form of argument matching: Spock provides a convenient way to verify the number of times a mock method is called. In this particular case, we create a stub using the static method Stub() that Spock offers. now fail with messages like: Class spock.util.matcher.HamcrestSupport has a new expect method that makes They are defined using the For more examples see the specs in the codebase and boot examples. Instead, it expects normal boolean statements. to see where the test was stuck or how far it got in the allocated time. With this, the code becomes: Lets assume that our implementation of the max method has a flaw, and one of the iterations fails: The obvious question is: Which iteration failed, and what are its data values? For example: def person = Mock(name: . In the first one, the customer has an outstanding invoice (and thus an email should be sent). Static fields should only be used for constants. If you find yourself in need of more information about a method invocation than its arguments, have a look at before the preceding when: block. Object.hashCode, and Object.toString methods, which have the following default behavior: A mock object is only You can tell such an annotation by its @ExtensionAnnotation In Part 4 of our Spock tutorial, we look at mocking and stubbing. The Spock framework has mocking and stubbing built in. On top of interoperability, it offers additional language concepts such as being a dynamic, having optional types and meta-programming. It uses a closure with two argument where the first one is named firstName, and the second one is named lastName. In our case, the line 1 * emailSender.sendEmail(sampleCustomer) means: once this test has finished, the sendEmail() method should have been called 1 time with the sampleCustomer class as an argument. The second and: block after the then: block is used because the unit test actually tests two related actions. We hope that by the end of this chapter, you will agree that we have achieved these goals. to over-specification, resulting in brittle tests that fail with every other internal code change. : PS: Solution inspired by this response from @Leonard Brnings. Interactions and Interaction based testing are described in a separate chapter, so we only give a quick example here. respectively. Spock provides several different ways to define mock methods and when those mock method definitions will match calls in the code under test. Global Groovy mocks get their super powers from Groovy meta-programming. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Im new to spock what I have to do in my current project is migrate tests, junit tests mostly that I have to spockarize . What you probably didnt know is that not only do these 2 technologies work well on their own, but when combined, theyre even more efficient than when used individually Mock [] Returning a Mock from a package function. For example, lets try to express that a HashMap invocation.arguments may be an empty array or an array of arbitrary length, depending on what interceptors were run Specifically the test will only fail if the. Spock's mocking framework makes it easy to describe only what's relevant about an interaction, avoiding the over-specification trap. Spring Module and Guice Module respectively. method invocations are expected to occur. Stubbing and Mocking in Java with the Spock Testing Framework. The line entityManager.find(Customer.class,1L) >> sampleCustomer instructs Spock what to do when the find() method of the stub is called. This line means: when the find() method is called with these arguments, then return null. This answer is wrong as @geoand said. Note that such objects will also be shared with other methods. It might be better to change the design of the code under specification.). Interactions declared in a then: block are scoped to the preceding when: block: This makes sure that subscriber receives "message1" during execution of the first when: block, On what basis are pardoning decisions made by presidents or governors when exercising their pardoning power? one or more data pipes: A data pipe, indicated by the left-shift (<<) operator, connects a data variable to a data provider. The code constraint is the most versatile of all. Your specific problem is that you're calling a mock method in the middle of setting up your matchers. annotated with a special annotation or some test helper that injects objects of a specific type that are created and Two use cases for this would be a mocking framework that can inject method parameters that are Expects a feature method to complete abruptly. If this has happened, the test will pass. return some value, or perform some side effect, whenever it gets called. block descriptors. However, Spock isnt smart enough (huh?) Groovy has the groovy.transform.NotYetImplemented annotation which is similar but behaves a differently. compare offers from many different shops. Using the os property, the previous example can be rewritten as: To execute a feature method under certain conditions, annotate it with spock.lang.Requires, The @Unroll naming pattern can now be provided in the method name, instead of as an argument to the annotation: The naming pattern now supports property access and zero-arg method calls: The @Unroll annotation can now be applied to a spec class. Please note that ItemRepository is a concrete . Notice also that no statement has a semicolon at the end of the line. Did the Golden Gate Bridge 'flatten' under the weight of 300,000 people in 1987? On all other places Lets say we want to test using a list of 20 customers. Required fields are marked *. In such cases it can make sense to introduce Integration with the Unitils library. But first, lets have a closer look at the other blocks. Mockito would need a special Answer construct here. Burk Hufnagel, signalw, Martin Vseticka, Tilman Ginzel, Thanks to all the contributors to this release: Marc Philipp, Marcin Zajczkowski, signalw, Thanks to all the contributors to this release: Marc Philipp, Tilman Ginzel, Marcin Zajczkowski, Martin Vseticka, Add Groovy 2.5.0 Variant for better Java 10 Support, Add @SpringBean and @SpringSpy inspired by @MockBean, Also add @StubBeans, Add flag to UnrollNameProvider to assert unroll expressions (set the system property spock.assertUnrollExpressions to true) #767, Thanks to all the contributors to this release: Rob Elliot, jochenberger, Jan Papenbrock, Paul King, Marcin Zajczkowski, mrb-twx, methods are structured into so-called blocks. interface IMethodInterceptor. Ignores any feature method carrying this annotation. More importantly, the test content itself is marked with given, and, when, then labels that showcase the BDD spirit of Spock. You can find information on how to use the reports in the README file. When mocking and stubbing the same method call, they have to happen in the same interaction. In general, it is preferable Add cglib 2.2 or higher as a dependency if you want to mock classes, and objenesis 1.2 or higher if you want to mock final classes. Multiple result declarations can be chained. to already declared variables are forbidden in implicit assertion block. As with @SpringBean the field must be of the type you want to spy on, however you cannot use an initializer. methods declared in the subclass as well as inherited ones. It is used as an argument matcher that can match any value of the argument. Here is the explanation: your closure is invoked in CodeResponseGenerator::invokeClosure. Groovy knowledge is NOT required, as the Spock tests will be written in a Groovy style that is very close to Java. There is one exception to this rule: Interactions declared in a then: block are Im having some issues trying to mock the HTMLCodec so I wont get this error Cdric Champeau, David Dawson, Rob Fletcher, Sean Gilligan, Ken Kousen, Guillaume Laforge, IntelliJ IDEAs debugger offers several ways to view variable values. How about saving the world? Mainly, Spock aims to be a more powerful alternative to the traditional JUnit stack, by leveraging Groovy features. Timed methods are now executed on the regular test include or exclude is done according to the Spock Configuration File section. However, for some advanced examples, it would be beneficial to know Java 8 lambda expressions as they will be similar to the Groovy closures in this tutorial. 1.8 variants are also available from Maven Central. Therefore, spock passes Object [] { ArrayList [ byte [] ] } to the closure. failures will be reported. heard about Groovy, dont worry - Groovy will feel very familiar to you! As an alternative to the above helper methods, you can use a with(target, closure) method to interact on the object being verified. For each customer passed in the recordEvent method, we verify that the event emitted is of type Type.REGISTRATION, that the timestamp property is not null, and that the correct first name and last name were stored. Creating, using and verifying mocks and stubs is nicely aligned with the way the tests are written, and can lead to very readable tests. parameter and the specification info object as second parameter. The most important line of the whole test is the next one. TLS, mTLS, RBAC, SAML, OAUTH, OWASP, GDPR, SASL, RSA, JWT, cookie, attack vector, DDoS, firewall, VPN, security groups, exploit, []. Automatically clean up a field or property at the end of its lifetime by using spock.lang.AutoCleanup. running. This by default is the directory .spock within your home directory, but can be changed using framework thread. In this method you can prepare a specification with your extension magic, and restores them afterwards. time. At the end of the day, the Mock(), Stub(), and Spy() factory methods are just canned ways to As an example, lets assume that the analytics department wants more extensive metrics, and has asked you to implement an extra mechanism, where several important events for a customer are recorded and later analyzed. foo.bar() alone will never be considered an interaction. Data tables are a convenient way to exercise a feature method with a fixed set of data values: The first line of the table, called the table header, declares the data variables. Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. If youre a professional Java developer, you probably use IntelliJ IDEA as your IDE and Lombok as the framework that handles the Java boilerplate. Java IDEs and build tools. if the configuration object is used in a global extension, you can also use it just fine in an annotation driven local Integration with the Guice IoC container. There are two types of extensions that can be created for usage with Spock. Table cells can now be separated with double pipes. other blocks, and may not be repeated. For example, the object might be very expensive to create, We expected to see this drawLine method called four times, but it wasnt called at all. annotated with @ConfigurationObject and have a default constructor (either implicitly or explicitly). in this example, weve used a plain list. fully-qualified class name in a file META-INF/services/org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IGlobalExtension in the Therefore, we can think the >> character as then do. H264VideoPlayback, and ASpaceshipAttackedFromTwoSides are all reasonable names for a specification. facet of Spocks lenient approach to mocking.). It can optionally contain both input and expected output values. In addition, an optional condition closure can be used to determine if a feature should be retried. dynamic methods as if they were physically declared methods: Usually, Groovy mocks need to be injected into the code under specification just like regular mocks. For examples see the specs in the In 0.5, the naming pattern was string based: In 0.6-SNAPSHOT, this was changed to a closure returning a GString: For various reasons, the new syntax didnt work out as we had hoped, and eventually we decided to go back to the string enabled can An important point to note about this block is that this should be the last block in a Spock test. This is equivalent to the Java 8 forEach statement. is received by the subscribers. So if there are no such initializations, no method is generated and thus the method interceptor is never SpockConfig.groovy. If we had wanted to pass a different message to the real method, we could have used callRealMethodWithArgs("changed message"). Although it can be combined with any other constraint it does not always make sense, e.g., 1 * subscriber.receive(!_) will match nothing. But Spy can be used to create partial mocks for Java 8 interfaces with default methods just as it can for abstract classes. The syntax as Customer is another special Spock construct that makes the test a bit more strict by ensuring that the argument is indeed a Customer class. Grails already defines these dependencies defined, but if youre using Gradle youll need to add them to support mocking classes. Since the method does not have a return value, the only way to verify if it runs or not is to use a mock. There are several mocking frameworks in the Java world, but the most popular one is Mockito. The previous example was relatively simple, we just verified whether a single method was called or not. The mockNature can be MOCK, STUB, or SPY and defaults to MOCK if not declared. The subsequent lines, called method invocation.proceed(), which will go on in the lifecycle, except you really want to prevent further execution of The persist method does not return an argument, so we cannot mock it using Spocks >> syntax. setupSpec method, or cleanupSpec method. This is fine if youre not doing much with the mock, but you might sometimes want to specify the type more clearly, this will certainly be more natural for Java developers. If you attach your interceptor to both of them and need a differentiation, you can check for where you do not have full control over the instatiation of types you are interested Mock/Stub/Spy to the field using the standard Spock syntax.

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