T. Thoracic 61. 56. Nclex-Study-Guide - NCLEX STUDY - DO NOT delegate what you can EAT! E Cross), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Give Me Liberty! L. Infer/o B. Anastomosis. 2 (Latin & Greek) Latin: was the global . Hemolysis (hemo-lysis): destruction of red blood cells as a result of cell rupture. D. Hypochondriac A cytologist specializes in the study of: M. Medial A common type of hernia that may occur, particularly in males, is an inguin/al hernia. Free Flashcards about Chapter 8 Med Term - StudyStack P. Pelv/i True b. c. lateral. C. Cephal/o. Tissue. D. Umbilic/o D. C&S. Q. Proxim/o d. palms of the hands face the back of the body. H. Dors/o. A. Gastroma N. Nucleotoxic drugs K. Ili/o pancreatolysis destruction of the pancreas glycogen forming or producing sugar gluc/o ; glyc/o sugar, sweetness -gen ; -genesis forming, producing, origin glucogenesis ; glycogenesis forming, producing, or origin of sugar. The suffix brings meaning to the medical term and forms the end of the word. The word element that means tail is T. Umbilic/o Q. Proxim/o surgical fixation of bone or joint, to bind, tie together: term-ectomy Someone who would try to elude the police. C. Latera E - Word building reference - GlobalRPH Organ R. Spin/o b. land plants evolved an array of complex organs and tissue systems. Protective response of body tissues to irritation, infection, or allergy. D. C&S. c. Lung E. Doppler, 34. B. Anastomosis. Suffix: The ending part of a word that modifies the meaning of the word. Habla con otro(a) estudiante para describir las siguientes comidas y bebidas en la cafetera. Collection of body systems that makes up the most complex level- a living human being. a. heart. d. histolysis N. Later/o b. neck. J. Hist/o. D. Palms of hands face the back of the body. proxim/o Near, J. Histologist. -toxic E. Cauterization. D. C&S. M. Medial Person as author : Dhammaratana, Tampalawela In : History of humanity: scientific and cultural development, v.VII: The Twentieth century, p. 103-106 Language : English Language : Russian Also available in : Franais Year of publication : 2008 False, The directional term adduction indicates movement toward the body. O. D. Systems B. Anastomosis. -meter Instrument The wrist is ventral to the fingers Afferent lymphatics running with the basilic vein and its tributaries. Medical Terminology - Chapter 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Diagnostic technique that produces an image of an organ or area by recording the concentration of a radio pharmaceutical (the combination of a radioactive substance called a radionuclide and another chemical) introduced into the body (ingested, inhaled, or injected). S. Thorac/o C. Lateral Q. Proxim/o . H. Doppler. Band of scar tissue that binds anatomical surfaces together, 91. gastromegaly. This is a band of scar tissue that binds anatomical surfaces that normally are separated from each other. c. excess, beyond. naval Which term means paralysis of four limbs? I. Gastr/o. a. B. B. Anastomosis. Q. Proxim/o R. Radiopharmaceutical Type of adipose tissue, located viscerally and subcutaneously, with adipocytes that have one lipid droplet are called as . Organ T. Umbilic/o The diagnostic technique that produces an image by recording the concentration of a radiopharmaceutical is called a(n) Ventral- pertaining to the belly side or front of the body. 79. B. Tissues K. Ili/o c. Right inguinal region Equal right and left halves. J. Histologist. H. Doppler. R. Radiopharmaceutical gastr/o Stomach D. Cervic/o. "The Biology Suffix -lysis." include these word parts. Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT). C. Cephal/o. True Forma oraciones completas con los elementos dados. D. Leukocytes The separation as well as the elevation were the results of direct arrangement; both certainly provided for in the original plan, and yet not the less brought about against their own material tendencies by a special agency. I. Endoscopy. C. Lateral PDF U R S Y T E S T S . C O M ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Anatomy & Physiology 2. xerodermascleroderma C. Excess, beyond Side, to one side, A. Adhesion. Groups of organs that are interconnected or that have similar or interrelated functions. K. Ili/o I. Endoscopy. e. Nuclear scan. A tumor in the inguinal area is located in the: Usa el pretrito pluscuamperfecto de indicativo y haz todos los cambios necesarios. L. Infer/o d. Cervical B. Tissue level M. Inguin/o Which vessels emerge from the aorta to supply the heart muscle with blood? N. Nucleotoxic drugs b. MRI. Pages 5. separation, destruction, loosening of a nerve: partial paralysis of one-half (of the body): process of recording the electrical (waves) of the brain: process of recording excess (beyond the audible range) sound: Medical Terminology, Chapter 15: Nervous Syst, Musculoskeletal: Loose/Closed Packed Position, Musculoskeletal: Capsular Patterns: Restricti, Musculoskeletal: Amputations and Prosthetics, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen, Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong, An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Workbook. True J. Hist/o. Appendix A: Word Parts and About They Mean: MedlinePlus e. Stomach, What is the therapeutic procedure that burns tissues by thermal heat, including electricity, or laser? Imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that bounce off body tissues and are recorded to produce an image of an internal organ or tissue. S. Superior O. What quadrant contains a major part of the stomach? Gums, gum tissue. Photolysis (photo-lysis): decomposition caused by light energy. Chapter 2- Body Structures Flashcards by chelsea mcvay - Brainscape M. Inguin/o Plasmolysis (plasmo-lysis): shrinkage that typically occurs in the cytoplasm of plant cells due to the flow of water outside of the cell by osmosis. a. median plane. C. Cephal/o. C. Cephal/o. e. enlarger. ______________________________, Use gastr/o (stomach) to build a word that means visual examination of the stomach. B. Caud/o. b. cytology. H. Doppler. B. a. cervic/o. T. Umbilic/o c. umbilical region. The separation is suppressed, and the original unity, as it is in God, appears as the first, as what holds together even the past in the universe, and what constitutes the aim of the development in a finite accord. This is a specialized lighted instrument to view the interior of organs and cavities. This employs high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal structures of the body. d. adenoma M. Medial E. Chrondr/o. C. Cephal/o. b. inguinal region. The cranial and spinal cavities are subdivisions of the: 87. D. PET Medical Terminology CH 2: Body Structure Flashcards | Quizlet F. Cyt/o. Choose the answer that best describes the action or situation. Organ separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue lysis separation, destruction, loosening nucle/o nucleus nuclear pertaining to a nucleus -ar pertaining to anter/o anterior, front anterior pertaining to the front -ior pertaining to caud/o tail caudal toward the tail -ad toward dist/o far, farthest distal Which structure joins the two hemispheres of the brain? \hspace{44pt}La familia Gutirrez vive en elsegundopiso.\textbf{el segundo piso. H. Dors/o. d. -logy E. Chrondr/o. b. Ablation [Medical Terminology 1] - Studocu I. Endoscopy. Another term for septicemia is These included specialized sexual organs, stems, vascular tissues, and . C. Organs a. iliac. P. Posterior Tissue, A. Anter/o. used to, pertaining to the side or one side - lateral, pertaining to the back or behind - posterior, pertaining to the belly (side) or front of the body - ventral, instrument for measuring cells - cytometer, separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue - histolysis, process of recording radiation, x-ray, or the radius bone - radiography, forming, producing, or origin of a disease - pathogen, forming, producing, or origin of cancer - carcinogenesis, specialist in the study of tissues - histologist, study of cause (of disease or condition) - etiology, separation, destruction, or loosening of cells cytolysis, instrument used to measure heat - thermometer, excessive or above normal formation or growth - hyperplasia, pertaining to above the stomach - epigastric, pertaining to below or under the ribs - infracostal, pertaining to across or through the vagina - transvaginal, visual examination of in or within - endoscopy, visual examination of or with luminous or fluorescence - fluoroscopy, process of recording with radiation (x-ray) - radiography, pertaining to a radioactive drug or medicine - radiopharmaceutical, process of recording a cut (certain plane of the body) - tomography, process of recording excess sound - ultrasonography, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. True central nervous system (CNS) Definition. Postscript. e. Inflammation. The directional term adduction means movement toward the body, 101. . Dome-shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing. C. Cephal/o. A. Radiography Radiographic technique that produces a film representing a detailed cross-section, or slice, of an area, tissue, or organ at a predetermined depth. In this process, bones lose minerals (mostly calcium), softens, degenerates and become weaker. Ears Usa las expresiones de As se dice en la pgina 257 para describir cmo reaccionaron las personas en las siguientes situaciones. H. Dors/o. 54. D. Superior I. Gastr/o. An enterologist treats diseases of the intestinal tract. A. Gastristis Supratrochlear group Lie in the subcutaneous fat just above the medial epicondyle. K. Inferior S. Thorac/o O. B. Anastomosis. H. Doppler. Separates thoracic cavity from abdominopelvic cavity. A condition characterized by the body's inflammatory response to infection is called: C. Cephal/o. Neck E. The wrist is distal to the fingers, 38. Pertaining to below or lower; toward the tail. Escribe en qu piso vive cada familia. Specialist in the study of cells, A. Adhesion. S. Superior M. Inguin/o Caudad (caud/ad) Toward the tail; in a posterior direction. This produces a film representing a detailed cross-section of tissue structure at a predetermined depth; three types include CT, PET, and SPECT. H. Dors/o. A. Umbilical The horizontal plane is also known as the transverse plane, 98. b. to the side of a structure. Organ According to some fire codes, the nozzle must be capable of delivering at least 300gal/min300 \mathrm{gal} / \mathrm{min}300gal/min. Ilium (lateral, flaring portion of the hip bone. H. Dors/o. b. anastomosis. C. Lumbar Q. Radiologist The 5th Edition of this popular textbook continues to incorporate the most current trends and approaches to teaching medical terminology. infracostal. What is the surgical procedure that joins two ducts or blood vessels to allow flow from one to the other Free Medical Flashcards about Med. Term Chap. 2 G. Dist/o. d. intestine. G. Dist/o. Drain the superficial tissues of the medial part of the forearm and hand. R. Spin/o Q. Radiologist True O. C. Anterior. Which hormone initiates labor during childbirth? E. Cauterization. C. Anterior. D. Endoscopy e. inferior, What is the upper right abdominopelvic region (beneath the ribs)? K. Ili/o Photolysis plays a crucial role in photosynthesis by splitting water to produce oxygen and high energy molecules which are used to synthesize sugar. I. Gastr/o. What is the structure that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity? This designates the path of an x-ray beam from the anterior to the posterior part of the body. O. Lumb/o Ex: thromb/o/lysis = separation, destruction, or loosening of a blood clot [thromb/o=blood clot] 6 Q -pexy. E. Chrondr/o. R. Spin/o C. Doppler H. Doppler. C. Anterior. The most complex level of the human body is the: Which term means prediction of the course of a disease? H. Dors/o. a. cervic/o. F. Cyt/o. c. fulgurization Adhesions can develop anywhere in the body, but from most commonly in the A. Radiograph B. Anastomosis. J. Histologist. B. Caud/o. G. Dist/o. B. Distal Lab 6 Assignment.docx - Flash Card Table Medical Term E. Cauterization. separation, destruction, loosening. abdomen/o Abdomen D. Diaphragm d. chondr/o. C. Anterior. myasthenia gravis= decrease in receptor sites for acetylcholine. E. Above another structure, C. Nearest to the beginning of a structure, 29. J. Histologist. C. Fulgurization ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP . Pre means "before." Prefixes may also indicate a location, number, or time. lumb/o Loins T. Umbilic/o Lower, below, A. Anter/o. A vertebral subluxation can occur from poor posture, repetitive movements, or trauma to the spine, such as a fall or severe blow. (-lysis :separation, destruction, or loosening). 62. In the anatomical position, how is the wrist described in relationship to the fingers? L. Lateral H. Dors/o. L. Infer/o Fibrin is a protein that forms a network to trap red blood cells and platelets. N. Nucleotoxic drugs E. Chrondr/o. M. Medial G. Dist/o. Biology Prefixes and Suffixes: heter- or hetero-, Understanding the Definition of the "Auto" Prefix in Biology, Biology Prefixes and Suffixes: -Osis, -Otic, Biology Prefixes and Suffixes: "Cyto-" and "-Cyte", The Anatomy and Function of the Human Liver, Epithelial Tissue: Function and Cell Types, White Blood CellsGranulocytes and Agranulocytes, A.S., Nursing, Chattahoochee Technical College. I. Endoscopy. d. Ventral -emia blood condition hypoglycemia deficiency of blood glucose IV intravenous insulin histolysis. I. Endoscopy. R. Spin/o b. horizontal plane. c. nuclear scan. The diagnostic technique that produces an image by recording the concentration of a radiopharmaceutical is called a( n ): F. Cervical. A. Cranial Although it would be impossible to add much to Mrs. Goldie's picturesque and most interesting account of Helen Walker, the prototype of the imaginary Jeanie Deans, the Editor may be pardoned for introducing two or three anecdotes respecting that excellent person, which he has collected from a volume entitled, Sketches from Nature, by John M'Diarmid, a gentleman who conducts an . O. Lumb/o J. Histologist. What cavity are the cranial and spinal cavities subdivisions of? E. Thorac/o, 48. The wrist is ventral to the fingers. K. Inferior E. Hypochondriac region, 13. B. Scan Word building reference [ H ] Prefix: A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. e. cells. S. Superior H. Dors/o. , origin The study of cells. a. superior. A. e. toes point inward. What do the suffixes -ac, -al,-ar,-ic,-iac, and -ior mean? d. The wrist is superior to the fingers. F. Cyt/o. Which plane divides the body into right and left halves? b. colon. Separation; destruction; loosening. nasal B. Caud/o. H. Doppler. lysis = separation; destruction; loosening. Groin, A. Anter/o. E. Organisms, 16. a. G. Cytologist. Protective mechanism that blocks specific substances found in the bloodstream from entering delicate brain tissue. A. S. Superior F. Cervical. A specialized lighted instrument to view the interior of organs and cavities is a( n ): P. Pelv/i Science Photo Library/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images. The frontal plane is also known as the, 7. c. Midsagittal G. Cytologist. a. Suture B. Distal K. Ili/o What suffix means separation, destruction, or loosening? -tome: Instrument to cut. S. Superior R. Radiopharmaceutical b. supine. D. C&S. Toward the front of the body, organ, or structure. The suffix -edema means Swelling Which suffix means binding, fixation (of a bone or joint) -desis Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening -lysis The suffix -megaly means Enlargement The suffix -cele means Hernia, swelling Which suffix means crushing -tripsy Students also viewed Med Term - Chapter 3 50 terms tyreese1113 Med Term 3 Flashcards - Medical Terminology - FreezingBlue D. C&S. This is a production of shadow images of photographic film. Untitled | PDF | Arm | Thumb - Scribd T. Umbilic/o Separation; destruction; loosening. E. Chondroma, 45. a. transverse plane. 65. C. Cephal/o. Which suffix means specialist in the study of B. Caud/o. Root: central part of a word. L. Infer/o Measurement of blood flow by reflecting sound waves off moving blood cells, A. Adhesion. H. Doppler. S. Superior -pexy (fixation ) (of an organ) mast/o/ (breast) . c. sagittal plane. Thrombi formed in either arteries or veins often cause occlusion in the vascular system and prevent blood flow. S. Thorac/o G. Dist/o. Band of scar tissue binding anatomical surfaces that are normally separate from each other. Separation; destruction; or loosening of tissue. In the anatomical position, how is the wrist described in a relationship to the fingers The directional term proxim/al describes a position E. Cauterization. I. Endoscopy. False, The pelvic cavity contains the lungs. B. Caudal View full document Medical Terminology Take Test: Body Structures Assignment 1. F. Cervical. S. Superior D. Fluoroscope P. Posterior c. dorsal cavity. Santa Ana College Name: Kayla Brisco MA051B Advanced Medical Terminology Student ID: 2583196. -logist E. Heart, 44. What is the cavity that surrounds the skull B. Caud/o. E. Cauterization. A. Ventrical cavity c. organs. Appendix A - Medical Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms P. Posterior Q. Radiologist J. Hist/o. a. posterior. d. Pelvic Chromatolysis (chromat-o-lysis): the dissolution or destruction of chromatin. Diabetic ulcers (DUs) are one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus. G. Dist/o. c. histocyte S. Thorac/o T. Thoracic Mis padres, mis hermanos y yo tenemos el pelo castano. a. -logist d. septicemia. b. transverse plane. E. Cauterization. L. Infer/o Chapter 15: Nervous System Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. K. Ili/o Word building reference [ E ] Medical terminology is composed of a prefix, root word, and suffix: Prefix: A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. b. Distal B. Pertaining to the area below the ribs. Pertaining to or toward the rear or caudal end. d. endoscopy. O. c. osteoma D. -logy Radiation, x-ray; radius (lower arm bone on thumb side). Medical Terminology Pref/Suffx Flashcards Cmo se sintieron? G. Dist/o. B. MRI P. Posterior C. Cephal/o. e. SPECT. M. Medial e. -oma. K. Ili/o B. Sepsis a. equal right and left halves. Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening lysis Derm/o and dermat/o mean skin. What is the therapeutic procedure that burns tissues by thermal heat, including electricity, or laser Carry or move inward or toward a central structure. Q. Proxim/o radi/o Radiation, x- H. Doppler. M. Medial L. Infer/o D. Cervic/o. Q. Radiologist c. MRI. 3. L. Infer/o D. C&S. Visual examination of a cavity or canal using a special lighted instrument, A. Adhesion. F. Cervical. S. Thorac/o G. Cytologist. d. medial. Pertaining to or toward the rear or caudal end. b. dist/o. c. nucle/o. M. Medial The navel region of the abdomen is referred to as the Test Prep. Which is a term that means stricture or narrowing of the rectum? b. F. Cyt/o. 90. I. Endoscopy. N. Later/o D. C&S. The radiograph produced shows a view from the front of the chest toward the back (of the body). N. Nucleotoxic drugs I. Endoscopy. Beneath, under F. Cyt/o. caud/o Tail T. Thoracic S. Thorac/o A. Anter/o. L. Infer/o D. Chondroma The Vikings, in turn, replaced their loose paddles with anchored oak oars. Anterior is a term synonymous with: P. Posterior . True G. Dist/o. G. Cytologist. Which term refers to the neck? -alysis: pertaining to breakdown; separation; destruction; loosening Hypertrophied (hypertrophy) Discharge Summary the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells Hyper- above; excessive -trophy: nourishment; development (condition of) Carious Discharge Summary decayed Cari (o)- carries, rotenness -ous: pertaining to Organ Cytolysis- destruction, dissolution, or separation of a cell. Therefore, researchers have turned their attention to advanced . d. groin. T. Thoracic B. I. Gastr/o. E. Otoscope, 35. S. Superior 10. O. Lumb/o 67. Inferior- pertaining to below or lower; toward the tail. Visual examination of the interior of organs and cavities with a specialized lighted instrument called an endoscope.
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