Using eCaseView, you may search civil, criminal, and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. This procedure should not be used for untimely motions or in-place of the division's procedures for scheduling hearings. Reasonableness hearings may not be set through the online scheduling system. TheCourt will setthe order of cases for trial. 3. Tax deed sales are the auction of property on which tax certificates have been sold by the Tax Collectors office for delinquent real estate taxes. If not registered, please follow prompts to set up an account. Prior to setting the hearing, ALL Motion(s) must be filed with the Clerk of Courts and then submit a copy of the Motion and Proposed Order thru the Online Services. For case specific questions, the best way to contact the Judicial Assistant is via the Divisional Email Address at, FOR A SINGLE CASE UP TO 2 MOTIONS/10 MINUTES TOTAL IS PERMITTED, In the event that you are unable to secure special set hearing time, please e-mail the Judicial Assistant via e-mail at. Prior to scheduling, the attorney noticing the motion shall attempt to resolve the matter and shall certify to the Court the good faith attempt to resolve. If you do not comply with Local Rule 4, your hearing may be cancelled. You do not need to contact the court when cancelling a UMC hearing. The Court is holding Pretrial Conferences IN PERSON. The Self Service Center provides resources to those representing themselves in court. (10 minutes or less). Search our free online database of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. Motions for Summary Judgment, Damages Hearings, Eviction matters, Claims of Exemption from Garnishment Hearings and/or any other evidentiary type matters requiring witness testimony will NOT be heard at UMC, and are subject to cancellation if they are scheduled. Look for LIVE NOW on the directory webpage: Florida Virtual Courtroom Directory ( In keeping with professional courtesy, any party scheduling a hearing shall make reasonable efforts to contact the opposing party/counsel for availability or scheduling conflicts. 2.505(f)(i), and all parties/attorneys. Judicial Directory | 15th Circuit UMC is strictly for non-evidentiary motions that can be heard in a total of 10 minutes (5 minutes per side). +1 8884754499 US Toll-Free. Circuit Civil Court Circuit Civil handles lawsuits with damages of more than $50,000. If all parties agree, please 1) file an agreed motion citing the extenuating circumstance that requires Zoom appearance; and 2) upload a proposed order in sufficient time before the hearing. In Family Cases (DR) mediation is conducted by Staff Mediators for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in Dissolution, Paternity, and Custody cases where the parties combined incomes are up to $100,000. The Court's office will provide one copy to the Clerk. Traffic ticket information including how to pay, civil traffic infraction payment plans, pleading not guilty and more. The Court will simultaneously enter a Preliminary Order with the Order Setting Hearing on reasonableness. Until further notice, Special Set hearings scheduled online shall be conducted via Zoom: Specially set hearings are available in blocks of 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes and must be scheduled via the Division AK online calendar through the Online Services. Parties may schedule hearings by contacting Sandra Becerra, Judicial Assistant to Judge Collins, at Please see the link to the instructions on the homepage. Certain case types and documents are not available online. County civil limits will increase from $30,000 to $50,000 on January 1, 2023. Special set hearings requiring more than 30 minutes are held LIVE. Delray Beach, FL 33444See map, 2950 State Rd 15 Please also follow the procedure above for scheduling of special set hearings more than 60 minutes if you are on a trial docket with calendar call set within the next 60 days and have made attempts but have been unable to secure hearing time. If the case settles prior to the Trial date notify the Court by contacting the JA. 2.530, unless otherwise noted in these instructions. Add the directory to the Home Screen on your mobile device for easy access. Look at the Notice of Hearing or the Order Setting Hearing in your case,which will be available on the Dockets & Documents tab. Post-judgment rehearing or relief motions, including motions for reconsideration, motions for clarification, and motions for new trial, may not be set for hearing online. The following information is provided to assist litigants in the use of Zoom, the remote video software used by the Fifteenth Circuit for remote judicial events. Footer menu Website Feedback Disclaimer Employee Email The moving party shall request the time for the hearing with the Judicial Assistant via telephone or email. A written confirmation of the settlement agreement must be filed with the Court with a copy to opposing party. If entitlement has not been found, a hearing on entitlement must be set first. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Public Service Tax on Propane Gas, Natural Gas and Electricity, Electronic Certified Copies of Official Records, Official Record Index and Images on CD-ROM, Book Appointment for Marriage License or Wedding, Waiting Period & Discounted Marriage License, Marriage License Copies & How to Change Your Name, Homeowner & Condo Owner Association Laws Workshop Toolbox, How to Collect a Judgment Workshop Toolbox, Injunction for Protection Workshop Toolbox, Landlord Tenant (Eviction) Workshop Toolbox, Sealing or Expunging Criminal Records Workshop Toolbox. Meeting Link:Zoom Link Meeting ID:876 7484 9087 For appearance via telephone: US Toll-free 877-853-5257 US Toll-free 888-475-4499 Enter Meeting ID 876 7484 9087 Online Scheduling (OLS) We participate in Online Scheduling (OLS) for UMC hearings and Short Special Set hearings for 15 minute and 30 minute blocks of time ONLY. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County The small claims limit will remain $8000. At this time, the Court is not requiring a copy of the Notice of Hearing and Motion to be mailed to Chambers prior to the heading. Neither the Judge nor the Judicial Assistant can give you legal advice regarding how to proceed with your case. Be mindful that there are often multiple hearings set at one time. Apply For. This procedure should not be used without first attempting to comply with the division's procedures for scheduling hearings. AK Divisional Instructions | 15th Circuit Unilaterally Set Hearings - Any party may unilaterally set a hearing if the opposing party does not respond after a good faith effort has been made in accordance with Local Rule No. All parties must agree. The submission must indicate whether the order is agreed/unopposed and the date of hearing if applicable. Please do not call or email the Judicial Assistant about Zoom without reading these instructions. More info. Before scheduling, all parties must first file the motion with the Clerk's office. Up to three (3) motions can be scheduled at a 45 or 60 minute hearing. Please do not call the Judicial Assistant to schedule or cancel a UMC hearing. Begin by choosing "Continue as Guest," then follow the on-screen instructions. Hon. Persons interested in listening to the Court events may contact the Court's Public Information Office, Debra Oats, at 561-355-4495 or 561-644-0054 to obtain an access line. Parties are not permitted to stack hearing times on OLS to create a hearing slot that is more than 60 minutes. Please also follow the procedure above for scheduling of special set hearings more than 60 minutes ifyou have 1) received a Case Management Plan that orders the parties to set a specific motion for hearing within the next 30 or 60 days and 2) after the first working day of the next month you were unable to secure time through the ordinary course. ACCESS IT via the Web or your Mobile device! A smart phone or laptop come with all three installed. A PC with an external camera and headset will also work. 17th Circuit News and Announcements. Please submit your documents using the online services system for the Judge to review. To check if your hearing is in person or by Zoom, or to find your court date: Find your case in our online system, eCaseView. If you have a matter to bring to the Court's attention, please file the proper Motion with the Clerk of Court, and copy all parties and/or counsel in the case with said Motion. Private attorneys should check in using the chat function with their name and clients name and the time the case is set. All parties must be presentin person at the calendar call hearing. 3.180(a)(3). The directory automatically refreshes every few minutes. Discussingcases with your attorneybefore the court hearing will reduce wait times in court. Postal Service which will greatly reduce the time for the parties communication with each other and the Court. Please go back and follow the instructions above. If no dates are available online, parties should continue checking for reopened dates and/or check back on the first working day of the following month. All hearing materials must be provided to the Court for review through e-Courtesy on (if less than 50 pages) or mailed (if more than 50 pages) at least five (5) days prior to the hearing. LIVE NOW! It is the responsibility of the moving party to file a Notice of Cancellation and cancel their hearing via the online scheduling system. Any order not in compliance will be rejected. Additionally, the event notice should include Zoom information. WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. To cancel a hearing scheduled for UMC, the scheduling attorney's office must file a Notice of Cancellation and submit it to the Court via Go to Your letter should include: case number and style, the names and contact information for all parties, and must note if entitlement has been found or is not being contested. Supreme Court of Florida Releases COVID-19 Administrative Order. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Marriage License Couples wishing to get married in Florida may apply for a license in person (by appointment only) at one of our office locations. Appearance by telephone for specially set hearings is discouraged unless otherwise noted in these instructions. For additional information please visit the 15th Judicial Circuit's County Civil webpage. If a case with a specially set hearing resolves as a whole, an e-filed copy of a Notice of Settlement or Dismissal emailed to and confirmed by the Judicial Assistant cancels all future hearings. Please see the Clerk's Website for instructions for e-filing. In federal cases, Zoom is the court's preferred method. Please e-mail or call 561-355-2739 to be connected to your mediator. Materials provided to the Court for hearings and Non-Jury Trials must be received by our office at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. Temporary Injunctions should not be routinely filed as emergencies. Please see instructions below for scheduling hearings longer than 60 minutes. Find My Court Date | Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Services Find My Court Date Font Size: + - Share & Bookmark Feedback Print Find upcoming criminal court dates by searching eCaseView, our online case viewing system. More than 50 pages total: HARD COPIES VIA MAIL. Purchase electronic certified copies of case documents. A guardianship is a legal proceeding in the courts in which a guardian is appointed by the court to exercise the legal rights of an incapacitated person. LIVE NOW! The Virtual Courtroom Directory is the - Florida Courts You may receive an Order with a hearing date and time from the Court. Court services are available at the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach and at branch locations throughout Palm Beach County. Please let the Judicial Assistant know via email once you have uploaded the Agreed Order for the Courts review. Do I need an appointment for a passport application and what do I have to bring? For assistance, you can contact the Self-Help Center at 561-355-6781 located on the first floor of the Main West Palm Beach Courthouse or visit the self-service center in the Clerk's Office in the Satellite Courthouses. Passport services are available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in our branch offices. Judge Alperstein Visits David Posnack Jewish Day School. Add the directory to the Home Screen on your mobile device for easy access. Please return the requested information to. Open your Web Bowser. The Court will open dates approximately 60 days in advance. The proclamation notes the important role mediation plays in our justice system and represents a significant honor for the mediation community throughout the state. Read tips on troubleshooting a camera that won't start or show video, Read tips on troubleshooting audio that isn't working on your iOS or Android device. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic email to this entity. Emergency Motions must be filed with the Clerk of Courts before submitting to the Judge for review. To report issues with our website you can email our webmaster at Parties should file their Temporary Injunction with the Clerk of Court through ordinary course and send a courtesy copy with all exhibits/attachments to the Judicial Assistant at Court services are available at the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach and at branch locations throughout Palm Beach County. Any Emergency Motions must be filed with the Clerk of Court before submitting to the Judge for review. Review how to turn on Live Captions in Chrome from your desktop. The department also handles: Guardianship Probate of Estates The Virtual Courtroom Directory is the fastest and easiest way to find court live streams of trials and court hearings in Florida. All parties must have reviewed the Order before it is submitted on the Online Services System. All parties should act accordingly including being respectful and dressing appropriately. (For example, if the Order was entered on the 7th of the month you must first try to set your hearing using the dates uploaded on the first working day of the following month.) The Court provides mediation services for Small Claims cases (SC), $8,000 or less and County Civil (CC) over $8,000 and, not to exceed $15,000. Cases may be dismissed for lack of prosecution if not acted upon by the Plaintiff/Landlord upon the Court's review of the case file. The attorneys in court willadvise theCourt whenthe cases withZoom attendees are ready to be addressed so be patient. When a hearing is scheduled for UMC using Online Services (OLS), Division AKs Zoom meeting ID will be automatically displayed on your OLS confirmation screen. Any motions for continuance including agreed motions or ordersmust contain the grounds for the continuance and the length of time requested and/or new date being requested. The original notice to set the cause for trial must be filed with the Clerk. Please include as many mutually available dates/times as possible. 205 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Prior to scheduling a special set hearing online, you must have previously filed your motion and you must clear the hearing date and time with ALL parties. Additionally, the Palm Beach County Bar Association has a lawyer referral and information service at 561-687-3266. The Notice of Hearing must include the Courts ZOOM information as set forth above. All specially set hearings scheduled online are set by court order only. Reduce or eliminate background noise and turn off or mute other electronic devices. In compliance with AOSC21-15 & A.O. For ex-parte motions to compel discovery, a hearing is not necessary if the Motion is in compliance with A.O. 2023 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. Special Set hearings can only be cancelled by Court Order. If entitlement has not been found, please include the amount of time requested for the entitlement hearing. Read More Go Divorce Passports Marriage Licenses Probate Child Support Name Change Forms Appointment By judge: Locate a virtual courtroom by Judge or Hearing Officer Search Results only include existing Virtual Courtrooms When trying to coordinate a date, please keep in mind that the dates uploaded on thefirst working day of the month aretypically hearing datesfor the followingmonth. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. The written consent of the client must be included. If a Motion is resolved prior to hearing, an Agreed Order must be submitted to the Court via the Online Services System. The party scheduling the hearing shall place the meeting identification information into their Notice of Hearing and take reasonable steps to ensure that all parties are provided notice of the Zoom ID. Neither the Judge nor the Judicial Assistant can give legal advice regarding how to proceed with the case. Technical questions regarding the system should be directed to If the Judge determines that the motion does allege a bona fide emergency, she will take whatever action deemed appropriate, including entry of an ex-parte order if permissible by law. Parties must notify the Judicial Assistant via email at the time of scheduling if a hearing they are scheduling will be evidentiary in nature. Parties will only be excused from hearings if the file has been closed by the Clerk of Court PRIOR to the hearing date or by a written court order. Up to two (2) motions can be scheduled at a 30 minute hearing. Sign up for free text and e-mail reminders about upcoming court events through e-Notify. Jury Trials are set by the Court in an "Order Setting Jury Trial and Case Management Conference Directing Pretrial and Mediation Procedures". Charles E. Burton | 15th Circuit Enter your case number or first and last name to search for your case information. All specially set hearings are set by Court Order (not by Notice of Hearing, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Court or Judicial Assistant) and cannot be cancelled except by further Court Order. Online available dates are not to be selected and scheduled until all parties confirm their availability. (For example, dates uploaded on November 1 arehearing dates/times in December)The Court also adds additional time throughout the month as available and reopens dates/times as agreed orders are signed on previously scheduled hearings. Enter your case number or first and last name to search for your case information. 15th Judicial Circuit's County Civil webpage, Special set, non-evidentiary hearings 30 minutes or less, Case Management Conferences/Lack of Prosecution Hearings, Special set hearings longer than 30 minutes, Calendar call (unless otherwise ordered in Order Setting Trial). Parties may submit competing Orders and the Judge will sign the Order reflecting her ruling. Learn more about electronic certified copies . 4. The Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptrollers office supports Palm Beach Countys criminal, civil and juvenile courts. Use of this system requires a user ID and password. Since the Court utilizes a preliminary order with instructions to be followed in advance of the hearing, all Motions for attorney's fees and/or costs shall attach a document detailing the time records and requested rate(s). County Civil Cover Sheets are still required. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Please email the copy of the Notice for trial to the judicial assistant or the case will not be set for trial. All information on this website is the property of the 10th Circuit Court of Florida, unless directly specified otherwise. If the motion is withdrawn, an e-filed copy of the notice of withdrawal emailed to and confirmed by the Judicial Assistant cancels the hearing. To appear on Zoom for emergency situations including illness for other hearings, please notify the Court as soon as possible by emailing the Judicial Assistant, Information about serving as a juror including when to report, directions, parking and more. 2023 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. The Court will accept negotiated plea agreements up toor atthe calendar call hearing. For more information, see: Know Your Court - Florida Courts (, Chief Justice Muiz issued a proclamation recognizing Mediation Week, October 16-22, 2022. Uniform Motion Calendar and Mandatory Compliance with Rule 4, Rehearing or Relief-from-Judgment Motions, Mandatory Compliance with Local Rule No. How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? Please list any future hearing or trial dates in your email. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. To be eligible and qualify to serve as an Arbitrator listed with 15th Judicial Circuit, complete and submit the attached Application and Acknowledgement, Authorization, and Release for Background Check. Any answers/letters from Defendants should include the Case Number, Defendant's name, phone number and email address. Monday - Friday The names, email and mailing addresses of all persons receiving copies must appear in the Agreed Order, pursuant to Administrative Order 2.306. Hearings can be cancelled in OLS without court approval. The Order setting hearing will automatically generate by online scheduling at the time the hearing is set online and must be submitted to the Court. Cancellations: Any party wishing to cancel their hearing scheduled on the Court's UMC Calendar may do so by using the online scheduling system. How do I get an appointment for a marriage license? Go to 3. YOU MUST REGISTER WITH THE 15TH CIRCUIT'S ONLINE SERVICES SYSTEM. The Fifteenth Judicial Circuit's Alternative Dispute Resolution Office (ADR) utilizes Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediators, who assist the parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Passport services are available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in our branch offices. Non-Jury Trials are set by the Court with attached information regarding mediation and uniform pretrial procedures. Judge Daniel T. K. Hurley Courthouse. Zoom Instructions for Litigants | 15th Circuit 2. Stipulations for substitution of counsel must comply with Fla. R. Jud. Attorneys should always attempt to clear the date chosen with opposing counsel and give at least five (5) business days' notice, unless the parties have agreed to the short notice/short set a motion. A motion and order are required. Admin 2.505(e). Competing Orders should be uploaded with a cover letter or a 'note' (an option in OLS) identifying it as a competing Order. Please ensure that you have registered for judicial e-service. Electronic certified copies of documents viewable in eCaseView may be purchased online. All submissions must include as an attachment the relevant and/or supporting document(s) being approved/considered, and must be formatted in conformity with Local Rules and Rules of Judicial Administration. The Virtual Courtroom Directory is the fastest and easiest way to find court live streams of trials and court hearings in Florida. This procedure should not be used without first attempting to comply with the division's procedures for scheduling hearings. Circuit Civil handles lawsuits with damages of more than $50,000. Any affidavits or supporting documents for the Court to review must be e-filed with the Clerk and then submitted as attachments to the order, as filings take up to 3 days to appear on the docket. See our zoom instructions if you have any questions on how to use Zoom. Find out how to look up your criminal case balance. Please note that no long distance calls will be returned. P/T2 Divisional Instructions | 15th Circuit Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. All locations close on designated holidays. All rights reserved. This will allow the Court to submit orders to the parties via email instead of sending in the U.S. RS Divisional Instructions | 15th Circuit One (1) motion only may be scheduled at a 15 minute hearing. Dismissal documents must address all defendants, counterclaims, cross claims, third party claims etc. We participate in Online Scheduling (OLS) for UMC hearings and Short Special Set hearings for 15 minute and 30 minute blocks of time ONLY. Mary Beardsley Courtroom Number: SC 8 Phone:(561) 330-1723 Room number: 2W-145 Courthouse: South County Courthouse Search Search Search Circuit Courier Professionalism ADA CourtHelp4U Online Services Twitter 2023 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. The request for hearing should indicate how much time is being requested and how soon the party is requesting the hearing be set. If you are unable to download the app, you may select the option to "start from your browser.". All orders for dismissal, final judgments (summary, default or consent), amended final judgments, notices of voluntary dismissals, orders vacating final judgments, orders granting motion to amend final judgment, and any other closing documents must be in compliance with Supreme Court Order no.
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