camp lejeune class action lawsuit

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It was discovered in 1982 that the groundwater provided by two of Camp Lejeunes eight on-base water treatment plants was contaminated by cancer-causing chemicals, including industrial solvents, benzene (a highly flammable constituent of crude oil), and other toxins. They will be sorted into classes in the lawsuit. your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are Brak zmiany tych ustawie oznacza akceptacj dla stosowanych tu cookies. Rudolphs widow sued the army under the FCTA. In the timeline of Camp Lejeune, 2011 is an important year. , enabling veterans to take legal action against the federal government for any illnesses or injuries they suffered as a result of being exposed to tainted water at the training facility. Camp Lejeunes settlement claims would account for $6.1 billion in payments.