why do celebrities dress like slobs

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Everyone has their own idea of what is esthetically pleasing and for me personally, tats don't fit my definition of beauty. I dress in accordance with the weather and make sure Im properly covered. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). I guess that this is supposed to be cute, to live in a so-called "culture" wherein manners and educated speech are for the dogs, and having an intellectual disposition is considered strange. This is what "American culture" has given to today's world, and people eat it up like candy because they want to be like these people. The guys who showed up--many of whom were single--looked like they were about to go hiking or to the beach. I am a male in my early thirties who has, or at least once had, a penchant for "dressing up", before the economy crashed. Each person is in essence lonely. Ah, America in the Spring! It's rather timely that I found your article because I had commented on a post in Facebook about the same thing. God forbid if i choose to wear a nice casual dress shirt and even worse if i tuck it in which in my opinion looks great if its well fitted.I can't help but feel like other people seem to have no respect for their appearance particularly the young males here who regularly wear singlets with enormous arm holes, baggy graphic t-shirts, board shorts and walk around bear footed or in cheap crappy shoes. Every damn time I go to a restaurant, there are numerous bozos who sit there with their idiotic caps on their hollow heads. Also agree with Bill on the tie thing, at least in socal. Especially if its in an office building in New York city we see all the people going to and from and dressed perfectly. ).When I'm "casually" dressed in a basic skirt and sweater, I'm considered "dressed up" because everyone else is running errands in their pajamas.Wellyou knowI could rant on this forever! Then again, the rationale is: why should one much bother to wear a suit when most people will show up to the party looking like schlubs? Big fat stomachs and oversized rumps exposed; tattoing mania; ignorance and imbecility; a lowest common denominator slacker attitude; no common sense. All this nonsense with the jeans (mining and peasant trousers) started in the 70s with the rise of the left. More often than not, you can find nice clothing in thrift stores. I have one word for uFly's owner and his decision: huzzah! That training reflected in my life. 2 Feedbacks on "Why Americans Today Dress Like Slobs" Surellin. I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. Yet, there's a librarian still waiting at the checkout counter to assist you to "do it yourself" and unlock dvd cases. At lunchtime you'd walk into the local Macy's mens dept, say "no thanks" to the cologne lady who wanted to spritz you & join the 100 other guys at table after table of dress shirts and neckties. Justin Bieber in all of his tattooed, T-shirted and untamed hair glory earlier this month in New York City. and implants. As for ankle pants--what happens when winter hits? I was a sales associate in the men's and coats departments. (please,take them, and far away if you do. REAL reason #3: No game plan Some men actually start to take action and seek out advice and guidance from better-dressed peers and. That really got 'em going. A kewpie doll? Among the cavalcade of pajama pants, tracksuits, nightgowns, painting rags, and ill-fitting sweatshirts that one encounters in the world's terminals and stations these days, the competently dressed. As John Wayne said, "Life is hard enough but it's even harder when you're stupid." There was a young couple with a young child that i encountered in the elevator. It's been going on now for years and does absolutely nothing to ensure the average American will get noticed for their sense of style and sophistication. Have you seen what celebs wear in public (when not posing for those magazines, of course) vs. how they used to dress when not filming a movie? When people who appear in front of millions on tv don't know how to wear a suit, then you can bet that Americans have a real problem with dressing right. The store thanked me for reporting this and said they would take care of the problem. 12 Celebs That Love To Dress Like Hobos | TheTalko I think it ridiculous when I see a woman who has an oversized derrier that she feels she can stuff into a pair of tight jeans. And this also applies to they who are on national television. It seems nowadays that the only time people make an effort to dress up is when they HAVE to, like at job interviews, weddings, and funerals. Looking around the restaurant I noticed one woman who was at table with a Bluetooth in her ear. There are comfortable dress shoes! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. I don't understand why people make excuses to not dress nicely. Great article, Pam! Even attending church now seems more like a circus than actually being in church. However, there is such a thing as being too casual. Comedian Bill Maher questioned why celebrities and Democrat politicians do not address issues like the Black-on-Black crime wave in cities such as Chicago. But I am neat. Whatever happened to wearing an appropriate tuxedo to formal events? It is disgusting that people just dont care about anything and make sure they dress the part. I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. 123 reviews. Most Americans dress like absolute slobs and should be ashamed of All written content, unless otherwise noted as being quotes, has been written and copyrighted by me. Womena lot of womendress sloppily, too--but as a woman, I've noticed a few things about guys that have turned me off. I'm moving to Korea, where my length doesn't exist; I can't just buy more pants. Even though America is still in an economic depression (yes, it really is! People nowadays don't appreciate quality and style. Women should never wear leggings - if only they can see how awful they look in it, or maybe they know but it is what the stores want you to buy so they all buy the same crap. How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? | SHARPER IRON Am I saying that our society needs to return to the way it was 60 years ago? Now I see twenty somethings who, when trying to wear semi-formal or business attire, are doing so in the wrong way, such as leaving the shirt untucked, or wearing sneakers with a suit, etc. That way they could develop a sloppy style that could be made for very little money and sell clothes for a lot of money. So if someone looks like a slob, it's completely their fault. Even working class people (which I am) used to take pains to dress as best they could for special occasions, such as church or going out to dinner. Apparently there aren't even dress codes for businesses anymore, and anything goes. (Never mind the fact the photo I used showed a woman shopping for food in the grocery store.) I'm pretty sure that the wait staff probably doesn't like the idea of shortcutting the traditional process, because it could lose them tip money, which is what they are really relying on, since they don't get a high hourly wage. 286 friends. If anyone ever invents a time machine, take me with you back to the past to where what once counted as good taste was not some rarity as it is now! A lot of them are bizarre, you cant help but stare because your eye is trying to figure out what youre seeing. Why Are Male Celebrities Dressing like Such Slobs? Ray Bradbury had it right sixty years ago with his book Farenheit 451. Or how about Kim "Kar trashian" and her implanted, hippopotamus-sized ass? Not so Caroline Wozniacki and some others I'll go on to mention. Sadly we seem to be moving right along into that direction. This is the reason why sites like People of Walmart get the attention they do--many of the images on there are so unbelievably grotesque and repulsive (breasts, bellies, and butts spilling out of too tight fabric; underwear missing altogether; bodily fluids leaking onto the aisle floor) they make me throw up in my mouth. Respect has to be earned,it's not an entitlement. No one at it.I honestly think my boss likes it this way though. I couldn't imagine seeing Elizabeth Taylor or Cary Grant with even a small wrist or ankle tattoo, let alone being covered with the goddamn things like David Beckham (nice body, yet he's covered with these obscenities which detract from the appearance!). (Information Technology) professional, I wore clothing appropriate for what I was doing, which was mostly a nice pair of Dockers pants, either a button down shirt or Lands End polo shirt, and for outside I wore an Australian outback hat (like a fedora, only with a slightly wider brim) if I wasn't required to wear a hardhat. Also, what's up with this new trend of people now wearing pajama pants out in public. When I was still working, I would at least wear a pair of Dockers pants, a button-down shirt, and tie most days, though sometimes I'd wear a nice polo shirt with my company logo on it -- tucked in. And from what I hear, slob nation is making its way into those social situations, too. He would wear dress pants, open neck shirt and sport's jacket and was overdressed compared to everyone else who were in baggy jeans, many torn or frayed, flip flops, shorts, very sloppy looking. Bra less too. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Well, I have absolutely nothing against same sex people, since I am one. Regardless, I can't stand the "let it all hang out no matter how ugly" ethos that has infected modern mankind. But, after looking through the shops, I can offer one reason (among a few) for why people look so terrible--I went looking for dress slacks or chinos for work, and couldn't find one thing. They were probably forced upon her by stylists in order for her to look presentable, for red carpet events or award shows. It doesn't cost hundreds or thouands of dollars to wear clothing that doesn't look as though it functions for bedtime wear. I can go to the thrift shop and put together a nice outfit for $10 so when my coworkers, who show up in jeans/leggings say they can't afford to look nice that's unacceptable to me. Love your observations, Doug. Good for you. But, I digress, it pains me that young people today dress as though they've swept their clothes up off of the floor. I know, Pam. And have you seen those hideous khaki-jogger pants that the younger millennials are wearing now? Even the mod youth culture of 1960s England was made up of some pretty snazzy dressers(picture via. Here in the U.K., unless I'm at work (I'm a military consultant), then you wouldn't catch me dead looking like most US citizens. They never look good. All you could find was dotted bras, leopard patterns and colors like orange and green an purple, but notam something as classic as ordinary white. People at my age with several tacky tattoos, girls with half of their heads shaved, boys only wearing basketball shorts and baggy t-shirts. No one seems interested in it anymore. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I worked at a nationally known clothing and home goods retailer. A pair of nice Wrangler jeans (no holes, slashes, not faded or thread-bare), a pair of Vasque hiking boots that are clean and in good shape, and a decent shirt or pull-over fleece sweatshirt (depending on how cold it is). They have ruined their otherwise good looks. Slob Nation: Why Do So Many People Today Dress Like Hobos in Public? I don't look like a slob. Whatever happened to the saying "the clothes make the man"? I never found David Beckham attractive and part of it definitely is the excessive tattooing. Partly this has to do with the visual erasure of style barriers. and not to mention the tight down to the ankles pants, men and women look so stupid in them. That thought chills me and make me sad, and more lonely for days gone by. But yet people get offended if you voice your opinion about this. People used to take decent care of both dress&their bodies,years ago. For the record, I was born in the 1950s. That quote must be extended today to both sexes. But really, that's essentially what we are doing now as a nation, as Pam points out. They may claim no money,but even thrift stores,have nice clothing. Whatever happened to company dress codes? Small blessings, right? I know that their were people like this in the 50s and 60s but it was kept hidden from mainstream America and I know, smoking is not attractive but it was a product of the time period (people didn't know any better). A few people also unfollowed the page. Now we have fat slobs&sluts,who enjoy(or at least don't mind)making the list,on 'people of walmart',even if they are'nt IN walmart. During my childhood in the 1950s, the manner of dress was much more formal than it is today. Nobody has any pride in himself/herself and nobody has any energy to look at another person either, so there is no need for pride anymore. To wit, Notre Dame professor Linda Przybyszewski teaches . Even then there were much better choices and styles in menswear and home furnishings, etc. A longtime user of the citys public courts and their anything-goes dress code, I complained at West Side daring to demand all white from its patrons but I eventually caved because I badly wanted to try out the clubs famed grass courts. Nowadays, everyone wears sweatpants like cranky children who insist on wearing their pajamas out in public. Sores like HM and Zara have the nicest clothing for the same price you would pay for what you usually buy. The people nowadays don't seem to care about anything important or any basic cultural and social norms. The PC Police will probably be after me for saying as much. Anybody who wears sneakers with a tuxedo and is seen by millions of people ought to be laughed off the stage for being an ass. I see the latest Issue of GQ with the newest sportcoats from top designers and buy an identical one for pennies on the dollar. It really is a shame. I posted about my distaste for tattoos on the Facebook page for this blog a couple of weeks ago, along with how I feel it's a serious sign of the lack of self love people have for themselves and their bodies (and also a denial of their natural beauty.) Wow! I'm just thankful that their are still a few clothing companies out their who still know how to make nice clothes for people. Burlington Coat Factory, Filene's Basement, and Marshall's all have designers clothes marked down to ridiculous prices. The Slice: Young and old alike dress like slobs Almost every time I go out anymore, I see countless men who look like they reached for the first t-shirt and jeans they found on the floor, then chose whichever pair of tennis shoes stank the least. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. He's the only one in our office wearng a shirt & tie now, it's obvious who's boss. Oh, and the "language", notice the level of profanity that is mostly bleeped out, radio, TV, etc..Great topic, Pam! I was out shopping this past week and I was horrified to see so many women look like they just got out of bed. Apparently you're not allowed to have an opinion, especially if certain people disagree with it these days. Second, very funny observation about your casino experience. Now that it's warming up, it's easy to spot the idiots who are part of the "slob culture". I am sure there is some blame to be put on the top fashion designers who dictate what should be in fashion but come on, bring back real clothing.All this from Canada, I might add. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies, please contact Shady has it right, you feel better about yourself when you are "looking your best". I really hope this trend does not continue into the 2020s. It was a privilege to wear jeans on Fridays, but now it seems we've gone to the other extreme, and in many offices the dress code is too lax ornonexistent. And its not just at the theater where folks have simply stopped trying: Offenders turn up at the Metropolitan Opera in Crocs. Everything looks like rags now, cheaply made with the least amount of fabric and no linings. I'm an American professor in Kurdistan and even here, people when they dress casually look put-together and not unclean. Trust me, during the summer, it doesn't get much better. The whole process seems counter-intuitive to me, and why do they feel too important now to complete the process for you? Quite absurd and totally devoid of fashion. There appears to be no common sense of what is appropriate, compared with what is trashy and disrespectful. It has gotten so bad now that if a man wears an ordinary suit outside of a strictly professional business he will be conspicuous, and people will wonder if he's some snob or is rich and showing off. Stars like Jonah Hill, Shia LaBeouf, Post Malone, Wiz Khalifa and Justin Bieber dress like dorm-room slackers, supercharged with AmEx black cards. Welcome to the slovenly 21st century of ill-dressed humanoids, Ronald. For a clue, its name ends in "Garden." Besides, at least in the town where I unfortunately dwell (It really sucks living here) I would probably experience cognitive dissonance should I "dress up", as a lot of persons have now adopted the "just got out of bed and am still in my jammies" look. Women need to start wearing appropriate clothing as well. It's hard to look good in anything,if you look like a beached whale,both men&women. Do people dress like slobs today? Or were people 100 years ago just (Sorry for my long ramble). Talk about a decline in class,decency&valuesugh. Dressing down a culture for refusing to dress up - CBS News When I decided to try a casino's vaunted buffet, I had to make my way through a milling throng. Hi Pam, I've commented on this site before, and I thought I would give you an update as to how the thoughtless, ignorant masses are "behaving" in service restaurants these days. How the 'Slob-ebrity'from Pete Davidson to Jonah Hill to Justin Bieberis taking over Hollywood. Apparently, the youngest of the millenial generation will work for minimum wage and be exploited, but is happy so long as they get to express themselves by looking vulgar and unprofessional. It's a shame because these people should know better. To me it signals low self esteem, laziness and no pride in yourself. Im 50 now, many say i look 35. I could go on and on about this topic all day, but I guess I will end on a positive note: if I'm ever having an "ugly" day, all I have to do to cure it is make a visit to my local store. Everyone at the checkouts stopped and stared at them as they walked into the store. Contrast this to what we are used to seeing in the US now - baggy jeans with the croth around their knees, t shirts that look about 2 or 3 sizes too large and ugly trainers that look like they were made for walking in space. This is what modern technology has wrought. People appear in public looking terrible and don't have much pride in their appearances anymore. Where do women and girls get off thinking that if they're 50 pounds overweight, that squeezing dumpy bodies into hideous yoga pants is not obscene? What kind of a standard is that? She wanted to buy a white pair of women's underwear, but we couldn't find any. RARELY do i see a person dressed perfect. Yoga pants in public outside the gym are out. They're always wearing track suits and sweats! (1995). Kids play tennis at Forest Hills West Side Tennis Club, famous for its strict all-white dress code. variety. I know it is harder for my apple shape to look nice, but I do try so hard to look nice. Well just look how horrible their parents are today that don't even know how to raise their children right anymore these days when years ago most parents back then knew how to raise their children right. americans dressing like slaves is by design. It's truly revolting and frankly, seems dangerous--you're just asking for an infection. The cleaner cut look will always be timeless as far as I believe. My men and even the men of the Royal Marines had everything from gas piston to bolt assembly immaculate and lightly oiled within 15 minutes. In one image, he stands there in baggy, cornflower-blue track pants with mismatched sneakers and an unzipped cycling jersey. I don't consider the Kardashians a good example of the point you're trying to make, because a lot of what they wear is trampy. There's one teacher who wears big (gaucho big) pants and flip flops every . I usually wear all black with a band tee. In a developed society like ours, you would think people would have better common sense than this. https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-are-male-celebrities-dressing-like-such-slobs-1535383985, .css-11kxzt3-Strong{font-weight:var(--font-weight-medium);}IN THE NEW ISSUE OF GQ, Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson, 24, .css-1h1us5y-StyledLink{color:var(--interactive-text-color);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1h1us5y-StyledLink:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}brags that his style resembles how I dressed when I was, like, 10. And boy, does it. Not only are people suffering now post-pandemic due to inflation, they are also not likely to put much emphasis on keeping up appearances, although most looked dreadful even before the pandemic began over two years ago. My first job out of high school was in a home improvements store, and in 1980 they werent permitted even there! Up here in the interior of Alaska, at least people have to wear appropriately warm clothing during a portion of the year to keep from getting 3rd degree frostbite within seconds, so one doesn't see bare body parts hanging out, unlike down in the lower 48. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Where to see one man play a cop, mob widow and teen gamer, Georgia player under fire after racist remark during 2023 NFL Draft on livestream, Dad of crying infant that triggered Texas massacre 'never thought' gunman would shoot, Megyn Kelly sports red MAGA-style hat in poolside pic, Gayle King says she doesnt have a desire to retire: I want more work, WNBA star Brittney Griner is heading to the Met Gala, Mariah Carey celebrates Moroccan and Monroes 12th birthday: My babies, Elon Musk Tells Bill Maher Woke Mind Virus Is Dangerous On Real Time, Kendall Jenner rocks sheer top, fur mini skirt for date night with Bad Bunny. Thirty year olds having the mind set of a 15 year old. I would say that, since, clothing is so comparatively cheap nowadays, it is no longer a reliable social marker,so nobody cares anymore. Being able to dress a certain way because you have a physical or dirty job is real, and we all have days where we just cant or dont care. I am striving to dress better every season. *laugh*, Do you remember the effort put out in buying an Easter outfit? One wouldn't expect, say, a crisply ironed shirt or razor-sharp creases in a slob's clothing. I dont have to dress up to please you. I see so much women whos breast are ready to fall out and leggings to tight. Said restaurant now has little, brightly lit computer monitors obtrusively placed on every table. American guys hate slender pants, by the way -- they say this style looks "gay"; I say it looks way more flattering than baggy pants (though part of the reason the slim pant trend will never catch on here is because of men's weight issues, which is another blog post entirely.). I'm tired of it and wish that there would be a return to more conservative times when dressing to at least look presentable was the norm. I often went beyond this basic requirement and donned a sportcoat as well. These are kids who have no style whatsoever and were raised on a damn Iphone. Or darkly, is the past never to repeat, stagnating or spiraling down? Someone on Facebook (not a fan of the blog's page, but another page who shared it) took offense at the post and said people don't have enough money to afford food with this economy, let alone proper clothing. Look at old Kodachrome photos from the 60s or look at old film videos from Disneyland in the 60s on YouTube. I am an apple shape and look for clothes that will look nice on me. But I digressthis post is about how people in general dress today. It seems sadly apparent that the average "american male" has been bereft of a culture in which fathers would show their sons how to at least form a necktie. For every Kardashian trying too hard, you have a Steve Jobs wearing dad jeans and New Balance kicks 24/7. I really want a time machine,so I can go back to something betterbecause yes,things ARE getting worse. Style, low budget and comfort arent mutually exclusive. The same decomposing society that allows grown men to walk around in tattered clothing and prison tattoos permits them to be big, fat, disgusting pigs, and then calls the few who still notice how wrong this is "fat shamers". I don't have a lot but I manage to look my best in any given situation. Shortages of drugs like Adderall are growing in the United States, and experts see no clear path to resolving them. no just NO. I agree with you, Anonymous. I'm a guy and I feel like you about this issue. Big bellies flowed over the . Dumb asses. It's also due to the usage of technology and exposure to the information sewer which is the internet. I'm finding it more difficult these slovenly days to find male attire that is with the classic look, and which doesn't look hideous. Adult couples wearing raggedy t-shirts with some ugly nonsense graphic on it. It's laziness and stupidity not money issue. No wonder everybody from Patti LuPone on down is complaining that nobody knows how to behave anymore: If you dress like a child, chances are you're going to act like one. Shame on them! If you always look slovenly, dirty, homeless, trashy, or otherwise tacky, chances are theyll assume that you actually are those things and treat you accordingly.

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why do celebrities dress like slobs