leadership lab deep canvassing

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In the experiment on immigration, Broockman and Kalla found that 78 percent of all the people who came to the door when the canvasser rang ended up staying for the entire conversation. Deep Canvassing with Dave Fleischer of The Leadership Lab Volunteers also encouraged people to talk about anyone they were close to who had an abortion. But when pressed, LaCour couldnt produce any evidence that he had conducted the follow-up surveys of voters that would have been essential to measuring canvassings long-term influence. That lack of control scares campaigns. The video ends like this. Script structure used to guide SURJ-NYC deep canvassing conversations on reparations, A Qualitative Examination of Dialogical Elements in Anti-Racist Deep Canvassing Conversations, 2021 (Journal article see fig. The fraudulent study called into question the validity of the Leadership Labs deep-canvassing approach. There's this belief that if we just say the . In 2004, for example, some 3,500 orange-hat-wearing Howard Dean supporters (many bused in from around the country) managed to annoy Iowa voters days before the states Democratic caucus. As several studies have shown, deep canvassing, which involves deliberately developing a nonjudgmental, empathetic connection with a voter through 10 to 15 minutes of authentic conversation, canif done properlylead to persistent changes in people's attitudes on issues like immigration and transgender rights. Dave Fleischer, director of the Leadership Lab. For her, the video seemed to clarify that Fleischer was specifically asking her about transgender people, a group she had no experience with and seemed to have little inherent empathy for. 2. Who can you reach with a deep canvass? That also worked. She didnt. Broockman and Kalla (2016) assessed the impact of the . The Great Battlefield. Deep canvassing is an approach to conversations which is non-judgemental and invites people to open up about their real conflicted feelings on an issue. Not every campaign can afford to run canvasses. Volunteers will be responsible for localizing the script they wish to use. The distinguishing feature of a deep canvass is you take a lot more time to talk to voters and have a bona fide two-way conversation about real experiences that shape their thinking about the issues. A new way to talk about abortion? They may come in organically through the website. Instead of a script that lasts 60 seconds, volunteers spend 10 or 20 minutes talking with each voter. I have friends who are gay.. Both types of canvassers could instigate change. LaCour and an advisor, political scientist Donald Green at Columbia University, published the findings in Science in 2014. YANSS 080 - Deep Canvassing - You Are Not So Smart You can also go more in-depth on the science behind deep canvassing by reading the academic study referenced by the New York Times that was published by political scientists David Broockman and Josh Kalla in the peer-reviewed journal Science. Oh, okay, that makes a lot of sense, she says. Jeffrey Fountain/Courtesy of Los Angeles LGBT Center. There were days it was just hard to face that and everything that I was going through with my transition at the time. At Peoples Action, he helped build and execute a groundbreaking immigration Deep Canvass experiment in the fall of 2019 that targeted rural voters and persuaded them on pro-immigrant perspectives. Give me a few years, and I know Ill be a 10!, How Do You Change Voters Minds? Fanned out across the neighborhood were more than three dozen Leadership Lab volunteers, many of them local college students, as well as progressive activists from around the country hoping to learn about changing voters minds. Have A Conversation. An excellent introduction to deep canvassing and the work of the Leadership LAB can be found in an April 2016 feature article in the New . A candidate may ask their volunteers to canvass via #KnockEveryDoor. Technology has helped a bit with the scale challenge, but theres always the question: Do you knock on as many doors as possible, or do you knock on fewer doors and have potentially more fruitful interactions?, Theres also a lot that can go wrong when fresh-faced canvassers descend on unfamiliar neighborhoods. Now we can show experimentally that when you take away the two-way nature of the conversation, the effects go away, Broockman says. Broockman says that public opinion about gay people has improved by 8.5 points between 1998 and 2012. Our organizing philosophy was outlined in the book Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything which was co-authored by Becky Bond, one of the volunteer chief organizers at #KnockEveryDoor and featuring stories about several other co-founding staff and volunteers who worked together on the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign, including Texas Zack Malitz, Hannah Fertig, Lynn Hua, Sam Ghazey, Cole Edwards, Kenneth Pennington, Hector Sigala and Max Cotterill. Beginning in 2014, the Leadership Lab teamed up with Planned Parenthood to canvass in support of pro-choice policies. But for now, the findings are a relief to David Fleischer. Neighbours United, formerly known as West Kootenay EcoSociety, developed their script over 1.5 years of script iterations, building off the learnings of many other deep canvasses and organizations, notably Montana Engagement Partnership, and in collaboration with the New Conversation Initiative, with support from Yale Program on Climate Change Communications. The day before one canvass, representatives from an animal rights group told me they hoped to better understand how to help people connect emotionally to animal welfare. On the issue of transgender rights, the woman seemed mostly supportive but stopped at a nine. There are three things. Though the abortion debate is less obviously rooted in prejudice than transgender discrimination, Fleischer and his canvassers noticed that many voters reacted negatively to a short video of a middle-aged woman recounting having an abortion when she was 22. The experiment, like all the ones in the study, was run a bit like a drug trial: The voters were randomly assigned (before the canvassers even knocked on their doors) to receive either the full deep canvassing conversation treatment, a watered-down version where the voters and canvassers dont exchange personal stories, or a placebo condition, where voters were engaged in a conversation that had nothing to do with immigration. We want to avoid asking for permission, she told them. Hes married to a woman now, and hes so much happier. Have more questions about long form or deep canvassing? Deep Canvassing to Shift Hearts, Mind and Votes. And once he thought they had discovered a powerful way to fight prejudice, an enormous scientific fraud perpetrated by other researchers tumbled their progress back a year. In this conversation, recorded in March 2016, a Leadership LAB volunteer speaks with a voter in Los Angeles about including transgender people in non-discrimination laws using the same approach that was studied by Broockman and Kalla in Miami in 2015. The modern form of deep canvassing was developed by the Leadership LAB of the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Susmik Lama is a one-and-a-half generation Nepali immigrant to the United States, born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal, who now calls Philly home. Talking about marriage brought up deep emotion. Ella Barrett has a deep love for building dynamic teams and innovative systems to create measurable social change. Dont try to change someones mind alone. Learn from Netroots Nation about research from the field of deep canvassing and receive training on how to apply this grassroots learning to your own power-building and persuasion work. Broockman says this research can at least lend ordinary people a new script when dealing with people in their lives who hold prejudicial opinions. In 2016, Broockman and Kalla showed that a 10-minute deep canvass conversation could reduce transgender prejudice for at least three months (you might recall this study was a redo of a previous experiment, from a separate team of researchers, which was retracted due to falsified data). Its a type of conversation thats closer to what a psychotherapist might have with a patient than a typical political argument. Social science experiments are usually conducted on college campuses, in a lab, in contrived scenarios. Jeffrey Fountain/Courtesy of Los Angeles LGBT Center After the dust. We have worked for candidates and causes, big and small, all across the country. In his work, Bruneau finds that political partisans have a skewed view of how they think their opponents think of them. People are resistant to changing their mind during an argument, the hypothesis goes, because it threatens their self-image. Theres no difference regarding who you can speak with in a deep canvass. What are the drawbacks of this method? Still, Fleischer isnt ready to give up. Before the canvass conversations, both groups completed what they believed to be an unrelated online survey with dozens of social and political questions, including some designed to measure transgender prejudice. "We found non-trans allies had a lasting effect as well," Broockman says. Jeffrey Fountain/Courtesy of Los Angeles LGBT Center Though there is scant research on transgender prejudice, what is known suggests transgender people face widespread prejudice and discrimination, Aaron Norton and Gregory Herek wrote in their 2012 study of heterosexual attitudes toward transgender Americans. Broockman points out that this graph shows the impacts of deep canvassing among all people who came to the door to answer the canvassers questions. People would often be very judgmental of the woman on the video or any woman who had had an abortion, Fleischer said. Second, we will provide volunteers with materials, including template scripts, data entry sheets, sign-in sheets, field training and debrief agendas, etc. The Personal Leadership Canvas is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Kathleen Campisano, Deputy Director of the Leadership LAB, . Modern political campaigns have focused mostly on communicating with people who already agree with them and turning them out to vote, Fleischer says. people, with a current focus on transgender discrimination didnt take to the golf-ball suggestion, but Fleischer wanted me to know that he is not opposed to stealing a good idea from the Mormons.. He was only half joking. You will also need a team of at least three full-time organizers, which is the majority of the budget, and you need a dedicated team of volunteers (ideally 200 or so). Nancy laughed. Green was skeptical that the canvassers were as persuasive as they thought they were. Im a campaign person; youd do anything for 3.5 points, says Fran Hutchins, the deputy director of the Equality Federation who worked on deep canvassing efforts reported in the new study. After disappointing outcomes on Election Day for Democrats across the country, plenty of folks are wondering how we move forward and run better campaigns in the future. Im with Black Lives Matter, and I know a lot of trans people, the woman told Riley. Something went wrong. The Leadership Lab, provides a much needed road map for that change.", Hap Klopp, Founder of The North Face, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Hult University " The Leadership Lab rightly shines a white hot spotlight on the need for 21st century leaders to be thinking about gender and provides a valuable snapshot on how to get . That is, it will be a platform that individuals, groups, and campaigns alike can plug into to receive training and support for progressive volunteers who wish to canvass in their communities. Dates: March 31 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST and April 7 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST. It took a devastating loss at the ballot box for Fleischer to see the political wisdom in heart-to-hearts with strangers. Deep canvassing has been proven to be an effective way to help more people vote. The Los Angeles LGBT Center's Leadership LAB (Learn Act Build) specializes in deep canvassing and organizing through volunteer leadership development. Have a Conversation, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/10/magazine/how-do-you-change-voters-minds-have-a-conversation.html. Canvassers (who may or may not be members of the impacted community) listen nonjudgmentally. They dont say if they are pleased or hurt by the response. "Deep Canvassing" - What Political Campaigns Can Learn From It It's of a real voter and a canvasser from the Leadership Lab, a program of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which spearheaded this canvassing method after losing the 2008 Proposition 8 ballot. Third, we will help volunteer teams do data entry for volunteers. What an African-American person has faced because of their race is not the same as the discrimination that Ive faced for being bisexual, or that my friend has faced for being transgender, she told the group. Read transcript and/or Read more about it. (You can read the full deep canvassing script here on page 47.). Most people consider marriage the most important and meaningful thing they ever did. That, Williams thinks, might have helped persuade him to be more supportive of nondiscrimination measures. Video example of deep canvassing. This family is a 10!, Several of Rileys conversations proved poignant. A gray-haired Hispanic woman named Nancy cracked open the front door, though not enough to let her little dog eat our ankles. Had it all been wishful thinking? We accept credit card, Apple Pay, and But even if that happens, he says, it at least will encourage people to think deeply about the issues they're going to vote on. The idea is that people learn lessons more durably when they come to the conclusions on their own. New distinctions President Trump called it an invasion, apparently hoping that by raising xenophobic, dehumanizing fears about nonwhite immigrants, as he had in 2016, hed help his party win seats in Congress. Heres a 2015 video example of deep canvassing. Leadership LAB - Los Angeles LGBT Center The experiment divided voters into a treatment group engaged in a conversation intended to reduce transgender prejudice and a placebo group targeted with a conversation about recycling. Deep canvassing research shows it is effective in getting infrequent voters to become regular voters as well as enthusiastic advocates for voting, sharing their new practical knowledge with close contacts and family members. It was only in his 20s that he started to tell his folks the truth, and he started making the transition to living as a man. Keep in mind the media environment the canvassers were working in. Ella then managed the Leadership LAB project at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, where a team of more than 1,000 volunteers and staff collaborated to innovate new methods of voter persuasion and prejudice reduction and apply them on the ground to help win LGBT rights campaigns across the country. Note: One needs to login/become a member to access webinar. That doesnt tell you about the person inside., On this particular day, volunteers would be canvassing in a predominantly black neighborhood, so Gardiner reminded them to be sensitive to experiences of race-based discrimination. Empathy may also be a factor. Google Pay. Take a mental break with the newest Vox crossword, Sign up for the The first of the three experiments was pretty much a replication of the 2016 study, but on the topic of rights for undocumented immigrants. Leadership Lab volunteers spoke with 3,330 residents in Pocatello, Idaho, a small, heavily Mormon city facing a ballot referendum that would have reversed a local nondiscrimination ordinance protecting gay and transgender people. First, theres the magnitude of the impact. But David Fleischer, the director of the Leadership LAB of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, thinks he's found a way to begin changing people's prejudices with just a short conversation. Think of any of our recent elections nobody is winning these things by 10 or 20 points. But this work isnt about that. Here is a collection of resources about deep canvassing scripts including script examples and ideas, video training and podcasts. Eden Mayle Field Manager Maria Do Field Organizer Deep canvassing has since been proven to change hearts and minds and find common ground across differences by. Jackson grew up as a girl, but he knew even when he was 5 or 6 that he was really a boy. I know it exists, and I hear stories, and I see them on TV. This tactic is the only thing that has been proven to work on nondiscrimination, so without it we wouldnt have been able to win, they say. Help put resources in the hands of change makers, Listening Partnerships and Deep Canvassing, Resistance School Video Course, Deep Canvassing whilst social distancing, Indivisible, 2021 (Video), Unpacking Deep Canvassing, Indivisible, 2022 (Video 54:08), Kimberly Serrano on lessons learned from deep canvassing, The Immigrant Learning Center, 2019 (Video 6:50 mins), Everything you need to know about Deep Canvassing, CallHub, Changing the Conversation Videos and Articles, For Your Reconsideration Podcast, This American Life, NPR, April 8, 2016. That campaign completed 3,000 conversations, and persuaded over 40 percent of those people to support the amendment. He and several collaborators struggled for years to get to this point. A 2016 study in Science proved it was possible. Canvassers can get mugged, they can get lost, they can get attacked by wild geese, Michelson told me. The effects of most efforts to change peoples minds on an issue, if successful at all, tend to fade over time. Dave Fleischer, director of the center's Leadership LAB, welcomed the academics' independent measurement of its canvassing program. The canvassers then ask if the voters know anyone in the affected community, and ask if they relate to the persons story. Who We Are The New Conversation Initiative The study claimed to find that though both gay and straight canvassers were effective at the door, only voters contacted by gay canvassers remained persuaded nearly a year later. The technique also raises empathy in canvassers, who . There wasn't, however, any indication that those who started out with very negative feelings about transgender people were particularly resistant to the conversation. I drew from a variety of models and teachings. "To go into it with high hopes and then get this really bad piece of news, then to go forward anyway and have the accurate results? Deep canvassing is a technique created and used by a group of people at the Leadership LAB, an organization that is part of the Los Angeles LGBT Center in California. How Do You Change Voters' Minds? Have a Conversation But many times this approach underestimates whos persuadable. Leadership Canvas Owl, Fox & Dean In favor, she assured him. Our work in Orange County during the . Whats the coolest thing about this method of canvassing? Were just beginning to learn how to do this well, but its important. Were a 10! But after shooing the dog into another room, Nancy appeared in her doorway again. The leaders worked to keep the mood relaxed and optimistic. Deep canvassing, it appears from the research, has an effect that can last for several months. Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. At the Leadership Lab's two-hour pre-canvass training that morning, volunteers were warned about "fake 10s," people who think of themselves as against discrimination many of them Democrats . First, theres a learning curve involved in setting up a deep canvass because this method is so different. But how does it work? So why dont more campaigns for candidates and issues canvass? She told voters about her own transgender child, Jie, now an adult. Three months after the canvass, Broockman asked participants to fill out the survey again. This is not just a story of pushing on an open door and taking people who are already Democrats and they just needed a small push, Broockman adds. Tennessee and the Central Valley have been the sites of large-scale workplace raids by ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] in recent years, she says, and various cities in Orange County have attempted to opt out of the California Values Act. Thats a state law that limits the collaboration between local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement. Not so with deep canvassing. To run a canvass you need staff, office space, voter lists, technology and more. Nancy Williams, right, who is transgender, talks with a voter as part of a canvassing effort in Los Angeles. Hi, my name is Laura, and Im with the Leadership Lab, Gardiner told Williams, channeling a shy first-time canvasser. If marriage was the most valuable thing in their own life, wouldnt they also want their gay friends or gay people to experience it, too?. We have a national reputation for our success developing practical, positive, non-partisan, non-judgmental ways to connect with voters. gets them to begin thinking hard about the issue. Paid for by Up PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Most notably, Ella led the LABs collaboration with SAVE, Miami-Dades leading LGBT group, to develop and measure a deep canvass model that could reduce transphobia. After the dust settled, Broockman and Kalla went on with their experiment on transgender prejudices. She ended a solid 10, a rating he was confident could survive opposition messaging. The study got a huge amount of attention. Nancy had mostly dismissed Fleischers how did that make you feel? questions, but his personal story prompted a shift. That failed miserably, he said. It was an enthusiastic knuckle-thump, the kind that arouses suspicion from dogs in yards halfway down the block but, crucially, can also be heard by humans watching cable news at high volume. If I would have only talked to people who agreed with me, I would have only talked to my mom and dad, he told me. Is First Republic Banks failure sign of a slow-motion banking crisis? David Fleischer discusses best practices to approach deep canvassing to impact the mind of voters efficiently. "There's something special about caring about why [people] feel the way they do. Dave Fleischer, the Project Director at the Los Angeles LGBT Centers Leadership LAB, has big ideas on how campaigns can improve their deep canvassing efforts. Fleischer asked her to rate that support on a scale from zero to 10. Had he been completely honest, he might have said, Im here to make you less prejudiced. When we see racist behavior, we should call it racist and not be euphemistic by calling it racially charged. Arguably, theres a time and place for calling people out, particularly when it comes to powerful, influential people. No, Im sorry, she said. Eager to know if his abortion canvassing was persuasive, Fleischer asked Broockman and Kalla to measure it. Connecting and Inspiring Voters Through Deep Canvassing - MyLO In addition to being a strong persuasion medium, for some issue areas, the deep canvass can also help to serve as an effective voter research tool as well. Fleischer has an unwavering confidence in his ability to persuade most people to be more empathetic and less prejudiced, and his optimism is shared by progressive groups who train with him. But for transgenders? Since joining Peoples Action, Matthew has been a part of two of the largest deep canvass campaigns ever run. Volunteers may find #KnockEveryDoor through a variety of channels: An increasingly large body of political science research shows that the gold standard for moving a voter to the polls is a personal conversation between a volunteer and a voter.1 These conversations are the most powerful when they are in person, but they are also effective when a volunteer and a voter engage via the telephone. Fleischer began getting the sense that just talking and listening to people was making them more accepting of same-sex marriage. Deep canvassing is an approach to conversations which is non-judgemental and invites people to open up about their real conflicted feelings on an issue. Toward the end of the conversation, the canvasser nudges the voter into thinking about how that experience can relate to the plight of transgender people. ), Emile Bruneau, a neuroscientist who studies intergroup conflict at the University of Pennsylvania and was not involved in the canvassing experiments, tells me in an email it is so promising to see an intervention, any intervention, that has a lasting effect on big social issues.. And an uptick in 10 points on a feeling scale of 0 to 100 doesn't sound like an epiphany. 2. Who can you reach with a deep canvass? For many voters, they reflect on it and they realize that's a terrible feeling they don't want anyone to have," Broockman says. It is stories, not facts, that are most compelling to people when theyre changing their minds. The Leadership Lab has honed the deep canvassing method through years of intensive, in-house analysis of their work ( Denizet-Lewis, 2016 ). By submitting your email, you agree to our, The Dark Brandonmeme and why the Biden campaign has embraced it explained, The secret delegate battle that will decide the 2024 Republican nominee. Its not about calling people out or labeling them fill-in-the-blank-phobic. In 2020, Susmik moved to New Hampshire to work as a field organizer for Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. Leadership LAB - Los Angeles LGBT Center "What we've learned by having real, in-depth conversations with people is that. The curse of the orange hats, read a headline in Salon. Theres this belief that if we just say the right words, the voters going to change their mind. The Los Angeles LGBT Center's Leadership LAB (Learn Act Build) specializes in deep canvassing and organizing through volunteer leadership development. Through the power of a year-long, cohort experience, your leaders connect with and discover alongside others. Just dive in. Its also a challenge to change a campaigns habits and make the goal of canvassing be to successfully relate to other people. That means canvassing is much more about conversational skill rather than identity. Her passion for social justice and teambuilding began in the woods of Timber, Oregon, where her family built a large community home around the core value of radical acceptance.

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leadership lab deep canvassing